I have waited my whole life for you to show up
Dearest Catrin,
I have come to realize that I have been living my life backwards.
The heart of the matter is now knowing that I am divine love.
Self acceptance without judgement. Deep transformation with this.
The dense hurts, incredible fear, self abuse, suffering in my cells, DNA, imprints,
past lives have all been dissolved and washed through me.
I realize now that all the crying was like a death. Grieving the old "story".
Finally letting go of the dearest negative friend "conditioned beliefs"
The funeral is over. My True self has arrived.
Man is that an adjustment. Treat myself with kindness. Love myself. Take care of myself.
Wow! I am still transforming with this. I have to bring conscious awareness into this all the time.
I hung on your every words and suggestions and continue to.
I have waited my whole life for you to show up.
Thank You. Can you feel the gratefulness pouring from my heart?
I now trust my divine intuitive heart. I am proud to say "that I am out of mind" and into my heart now.
Awareness of this is extraordinary.
2point. Profound. Divine
Infinite love, light and yes possibility!
- Marilyn
- Canada
My experience of Two-point healing with Catrin is profoundly transformational.
My experience of Two-point healing with Catrin is profoundly transformational. Catrin is a very clear, articulate and experienced healer and workshop facilitator. Two point healing modality takes you very powerfully and directly into damaging, limited subconscious beliefs and patterns of self-sabotage, immediately exposing these blockages whilst simultaneously allowing them to transform into positive, expansive expressions of self-love.
I have been working in the alternative healing fraternity for over 30 years, and can honestly say this work is as powerful and effective as anything I've encountered so far. I wholeheartedly recommend Catrin and the two point healing process if you are interested in living fearlessly, without the baggage of limited, negative self-belief.
Two pointed healing works in the quantum energy field, in a non-linear way, so profound and beneficial effects are felt immediately. These positive effects are felt physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.
If you resonate with the concept of self-love, and if you have the sense that your true identity is an unlimited vehicle for infinite Love which knows no opposite, then two pointing is for you. If the manifestation your wildest dreams is attractive to you, please do yourself a favour and treat yourself to the sublime, expansive reality of this powerful and effective healing that Catrin is offering. You'll be glad you did!
- Andrew Forrest
- Artist, Musician, Composer, Sound Healer, Writer
In first few minutes, I was conquered by her presentation, accessible language....
It was my dream to get to a course with Catrin I have followed her on YT many times about the 2pointonesmile method. It found interesting every time so logical and so inspiring all that she was saying. This year I've had the opportunity to subscribe a basic online course hosted by the Catrin Jacksties. In first few minutes, I was conquered by her presentation, accessible language, a method that can be operational so well, a simple personal approach, a big soul and a lot of wisdom. Although I have read a lot about the quantum approach to healing, yet the way I learned amazed me by simplicity and efficiency. I will miss my meetings with her and the group I worked with. The workshops with Catrin are full of new understanding moments and surprising practical applications. I hope we will meet again for new stages in the process of internal transformation, because, finally that it is all about.
- Ela Cozariuc
- Romania
I have gone through all that can be experienced in a human normal life
Since our first session, I have gone through all that can be experienced in a human normal life: love, joy, sadness, despair, strength, weakness, action, passivity, anger, compassion, karmic reactions, and so on…
This evening, June 14, at 17h 05, I remembered that, 4 years ago, I accompanied my mother to the Beyond… Her death was like an overwhelming tsunami for me…
I did a 2points self-application that transformed instantly the situation… from sadness to liberation…
I am grateful to you for sharing the 2points method publicly on YouTube… It came at the right moment in my life…
I sincerely want to learn this method and use it with my students.
Many blessings to you.
- Sarah Diane Pomerleau
The door opens into a wider awareness
If you ever wonder how much stuck energy is stored in your body, just practise with 2-point and feel immediate relief. That is the most impressive part for me in 2-pointing. This feeling of immediate relaxation and bodily sensations and energy running through my whole system after applying the method.
What a fantastic tool which guides you to tap into this field of limitless potential instead of staying stuck in any unhealthy life situation. The door opens into a wider awareness and the knowing that there is more possibilities for changes than you can ever imagine. Backed up is the experience by information about the quantum field and how the method works.
I highly recommend this course and Catrin which I experienced as a warm hearted person and passionate for 2-pointing. The balance between theory and practical parts was perfect and brought immediate results. Thank you Catrin for sharing this fantastic tool with us!
- Regina
Thank everyone for an amazing weekend and do notice shifts in my being
I, too, thank everyone for an amazing weekend and do notice shifts in my being. But since we didn’t really deal with immediate trauma I decided to do an experiment last night and fell hard on a tile floor. EFT didn’t take away the pain and soon I had a grapefruit sized swelling on my shin. While icing it I two pointed the issue and then asked for any other issues that might relate to this and two pointed those. I went from feeling like going to emergency last night to just feeling some soreness this morning. I am grateful for this new tool and respectful of the magic of our bodies in the field!
But I think I will avoid further experiments for a while!
With gratitude.
- Dorothea
- Vancouver Island, Canada
2 pointing webinar program a success
Hi Catrin - Just want you to know how much I enjoyed your webinar on the 2 point. I learned a lot and am getting stronger with my results. I think your everyday practical examples are the difference in teaching that helped me with my improvement. Soooooooooooooo – put together some more stories of living life daily using the 2 point and do another webinar!!!! I should be ready by fall for another round – Thanks Again.
- Jo Peterson
I am not getting caught up in other’s drama
Greetings Catrin!
I saw this and thought of you. It reminded me that you asked us to let you know of the changes we observe.
For me, I am experiencing many more “déjà vu” moments. These are very long and detailed, affirming the myth of linear time.
Also, I am not getting caught up in other’s drama. Imagining my future self, morning and evening, is truly grounding me in my role as the creator of my reality.
Thanks again for everything.
Thank you all for the sharing and caring
I too would like to thank you all for the sharing and caring throughout the weekend. Had a moment of release while walking the dog yesterday that dates back to about 1962. Memory showed up, tears welled up, and it was amazing to think that the old situation had such a deep impact and was still actively affecting behaviour! Yay! Hugs to all.
- Ted
- Vancouver Island, Canada
I've noticed some significant shifts in myself
Yes, many thanks for the great weekend. I've noticed some significant shifts in myself - Deeper connection with my partner and my work seems to be opening up in even more interesting and fulfilling ways. You are all amazing beings of Light and information!
- Sohlea
- Vancouver Island, Canada
Our experience was life changing and profound
My husband James and I both attended Catrin's workshop in England, our experience was life changing and profound. It wasn't always easy as many limiting patterns of belief were transformed, but it was always positive. We laughed, we cried, we healed and we made new discoveries about ourselves, past, present and future. New friendships were forged as we shared some very deep and personal moments together. Catrin is a wonderful teacher, who invested so much of herself into the workshop, I will be forever grateful.
- Vicky & James Hitchcock
- Shoreham, Kent in England
Learning the ancient healing tool which I can use anytime to help myself and others is invaluable.
Last month I participated in Catrin's 2pointer workshop and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and can full heartedly recommend it. Catrin has a gift of teaching in a very clear, interesting and entertaining way. It was easy to understand and everyone seemed to be totally at ease. Practicing the 2 pointer with other participants and experiencing the effects was fascinating and totally enjoyable. Learning the ancient healing tool which I can use anytime to help myself and others is invaluable. I full heartedly recommend Catrin's workshop to anyone.
- Marion Janke
- Nelson, New Zealand
I have never had such clear "directives " before
Hi Catrin, yes a Lot is happening. I have not done any drawing or painting this last week. Yet have been journaling a lot. I usually name my paintings after they are finished. Words have been coming to me which are very clearly names of paintings yet to be done.and images of how these paintings are to be done are also coming. I have never had such clear "directives " before.
- Robert
- Nelson, New Zealand
Your course was just what I needed to help me get back on track again
Thank you so much Catrin, I thoroughly enjoyed participating in your 2points course on Sunday. I have been asking spirit what ‘my gift’ is to be of service in creating a more harmonious world, along with lots of work on myself. Your course was just what I needed to help me get back on track again.
- Gill
- Walk In Light, Auckland
Catrin has a unique approach to share and teach the 2point method that resonated deeply with me
Catrin has a unique approach to share and teach the 2point method that resonated deeply with me. I loved the practical focus of her seminar, which enabled me to integrate the method more easily into my daily life. Thank you, Catrin, for sharing this precious tool!
- Birgit Baader
- Nelson, New Zealand
I would whole-heartly recommend learning Catrin's Two Pointing.
I awoke at 4 am a few mornings back - not fully awake, a memory slipped into my consciousness. The feeling of shame followed. I thought: I am not having that feeling any longer. Two point it away. This took but a few seconds and I felt the negative association leave my body - so quick - Amazing! A technique that is totally private, even when you are working with someone else. You can 'two point' even in a public place and no one will notice. But you will know what has changed and soon others will notice the positive changes in you. Break the old habits. I would whole-heartly recommend learning Catrin's Two Pointing.
- Kathleen Matheson
- Nelson, New Zealand
I found your seminar YouTube videos on the method. It is so beautiful to experience.
A friend of mine from Salt Lake City introduced me to this work via a conversation. Through researching, I found your seminar YouTube videos on the method. It is so beautiful to experience. Your voice, your demeanor, the information you offer is clear, has integrity and is very wonderful. I would like to donate something as a share one to another for all this. Please let me know how I can help.
Peace -Tutti a tavola a mangiare! (Translation: Let's all go to the table and eat!)
- Paula
- Italy